Artists 2025

 Richard Vooght is back but what’s new for 2025????

We have, all the way from La Belle France, the amazing Alex and Clara who will be teaching and performing.

We have, all the way from Nottingham, the wonderful Donna Taylor who is teaching a bolero class.

We have our fun game show Wheel of Fortune, a chance to win some wonderful (and some not-so wonderful ) prizes!

We have a special masterclass in ladies styling from the beautiful Lillù Berthier

We have a new role rotation class with Aaron Bradley-Bevan and Katie Harley

We have a completely different empowerment and confidence class with the very unique Jolie Sunshine and her team will be performing too

We have a special 80’s themed fitsteps class on Saturday night with the energetic and wonderful Lotty Dall

We have a dedicated dance area to practice tango, merengue, chacha, samba and more

We have a special eighties disco and possible 80’s afternoon karaoke

And soooo much more! Don’t forget it’s 80’s theme!

Dance into happiness

All the way from Australia, via France G’day and bonsoir from the wonderfully talented Jai and Lillù.

Back to teach AND perform, this couple make a great addition to our Congress family.

AND, by popular demand, Lillù will be teaching a styling class which is promising to be extra special.

Rohan Brown a salsa legend, will be MC’ing and teaching and DJ’ing and being his general ‘shy and reserved’ self across the weekend. We can’t wait to see what he has in store for us!

We work hard to ensure a friendly, inclusive atmosphere and love that our dance family gets bigger every year.

What is your favourite part of the congress? Is it the classes? The parties? Catching up with friends? The shows?

Tell us your best Congress memories so far….dont worry, we won’t tell anyone if they’re secrets 

Dance into happiness in our special eighties edition  

A warm welcome to the beautiful Katrin Lerner and a huge welcome back to the amazingly talented Lewis Barr. We are so excited to see what these two have in store for us this year as they will be teaching and performing over the weekend. 

Last remaining passes available 

This is a weekend of fun, friendship and frivolity but also an excellent opportunity to up your dancing skills, try a new genre of dance and be inspired by our artists and performers.

A big Newcastle welcome to our amazing newcomers Alex and Noèmie who will be joining us from Paris.

The two will be sharing their skills in workshops and performing. Having come first place in the Bachata Open France their workshops are a must and their show is a must-see! They have travelled all over Europe teaching and performing and are keen to share their skills with us.

Please give them a warm welcome.

Dance into happiness

Special eighties edition

Our very own little bundle of joy and good behaviour….or maybe not! Andreas Ru ‘Salsa Rebel’ will be joining us and he promises to be as sexy and sassy as ever….

Andreas is a very talented dancer and an incredibly popular teacher. He will be teaching and partying all weekend. Andreas will be teaching salsa and bachata. He will be funny and crazy but definitely help you to learn moves that are dance-floor ready. 

Andreas finds it very difficult to behave well, so we need people to keep an eye on him and report him to us if he misbehaves….

Grab your last remaining Gold Passes-don’t miss out on the friendliest Congress!

Thursday night (2nd January 2025) includes a mad workshop with lovely Gill. DJ Muzu (Effervescent Eşref) is looking after the decks and there will be fun and lineups and dancing until midnight. 

They are both with us over the 4 days and nights, teaching, dancing and bringing fun and joy to everyone. 

Dance into happiness at Newcastle Congress

Our trés beau Petit Chou Tamba is teaching and performing and partying and smiling and just being his generally fabulous self ALL WEEKEND at Newcastle Congress!

Teaching a variety of workshops, Tamba is known for fun, laughter and a lot of talent. 

Tamba really tells a story in his dancing, whether it is a performance or a social dance. Ladies-make sure you grab him for a dance - even if you have to queue, he is worth the wait 

Newcastle Congress 

Dance into happiness 

Bringing some extra sensual bachata, Alberto and Jolie are back with us, teaching and partying. It’s Jolie’s birthday weekend so be sure to wish her a happy birthday!

As well as teaching with Alberto, Jolie is also doing some solo work, with some very special workshops. Sensual movement and technique, bachata footwork and women ‘empowerment and confidence’. Something new for 2025.

DJ Alberto will also be on the decks bringing the hottest songs to the bachata room.

We cannot wait to welcome these talented dancers back.

Rasa is wondering…if you haven’t bought your ticket yet, why not???

As a renowned leader and follower, Rasa is happy to dance with everyone and is a definite party girl.

This year Rasa will be teaching all weekend AND you get a chance to perform at the congress under her tuition. Make sure you join her workshops which are informative, friendly and super funny. 

Last remaining Gold Passes available at this price so hoppety hop!

3rd, 4th and 5th January 2025

Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn, Newcastle 

Dance into happiness 

Have you got your outfits planned? What the eighties outfits lacked in taste they certainly made up for in colour! If you have just too much eighties in you then don’t just leave it for Saturday night-why not dress up all weekend? Sam is ironing his leg hair to ensure his leg warmers are a good fit. 

Lovely Sally will be with us and she will be teaching and DJ’ing and partying and smiling all weekend. Sally leads and follows so EVERYONE can dance with her. And you should! 

Basil and Heidi are very much a part of our dance family and they are bringing up a big group of dancers from ‘darn sarf’

Both are talented performers and teachers and they bring a lot to our congress every year and this year will be no exception.

The pair are teaching a range of workshops over the congress and partying every night, and we can’t wait to see their new show. 

Workshops with Basil and Heidi are so informative, one experienced dancer noted that he has danced differently (in a good way!) since last year’s ’dance to understand the music’ workshop. 

AND don’t forget our fabulous pre party on 2nd January - free to Gold Passes holders. A chance to chill, dance with some of our artists and teachers and kick off the weekend in style

Our local lady Leanne will be teaching kizomba and will be dancing and partying too. Make sure you ask her for a dance. 

Over 120 workshops, a mad eighties theme, a special pre party, shows, all night parties and so much more. We can’t imagine a better way to kick off  2025!

What are you waiting for????!!!!

Jeydikson Lima is coming back with some smooth moves and entertaining classes. His workshops will take you to the next level in Kizomba. Jey is a fabulous social dancer, not just Kizomba (you can pull him out of the Kizomba room into the salsa room ) and he’s definitely ready to party and always with a smile. 

Grab your Gold Pass now and join Jeydikson and the rest of our awesome dance family for the friendliest congress.

Dance into happiness, eighties style!

Saturday night - get ready to dance with Lotty Dall who will be bringing Fitsteps to Newcastle Congress for the first time.

Here is Lotty to explain what it’s all about;


Created in 2013 by 'Strictly Come Dancing's' very own Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite. Fitsteps is a fun fitness class that combines the graceful steps of Ballroom and the up tempo steps of the Latin dances to create an energetic, effective way to get fit and stay healthy.

The programme is based around twelve of the most popular Latin and Ballroom dances, including Jive, Cha cha, Waltz and Quickstep.

You DON'T need a partner and you DON'T need to be able to dance!

Fitsteps presenter & Master trainer Lotty Dall will bring you a fab-u-lous 80’s themed class packed with all your favourite hits from that decade! So get your hair in a side pony, throw on your legwarmers and join her on the dancefloor!

This is a class for everyone and will be so much fun.

Lotty is full of smiles and sparkle and a lovely edition to our dance family.

The amazingly talented magic-hipped sensation all the way from Uganda Valentino is joining us!!!

This is a lovely opportunity to relax and dance with several of our artists,

And the really great thing is Valentino will be with us for the whole weekend; teaching, performing, partying, dancing and smiling

Our beautiful Sarah Leigh will be with us all weekend INCLUDING the pre party.

Sarah will be teaching lots of different classes over the weekend, including CUBAtone for the sporty dancers, reggaeton for the bendy dancers, and all manner of other classes for all dancers.

Make sure to grab Sarah for a dance or two over the weekend.

Pre party 2nd January 2025

The Newcastle Congress

3rd, 4th, 5th January 2025

Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn, Newcastle

Dance into happiness.

Awesome, affable Alfie is back with us and bringing some fun Kizomba classes.

Always smiling and full of happy energy, Alfie brings sunshine to the congress. 

Catch him on the dance floor (not just Kizomba….drag him along to the salsa room too) as he is just lovely.

With signature line ups and key dips, tricks and moves Uncle Phil is legendary in the salsa world.

Uncle Phil is a world champion in shines and has the medals and certificates to prove it! 

Catch him for a social dance and join his classes for fun and unforgettable moves 

Uncle Phil will be dancing with us at the pre party too 

Last few Gold Passes remaining and price rise imminent!

3rd, 4th, 5th January 2025

Pre party 2nd January 

Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn, Newcastle 

Dance into Happiness

Katie Hawley

Shasha Phillips

Xris Pentland

Laura Marvel

Angeleon BG

Eşref Parranda Ulaş CHOOSE LIFE! A key theme in the eighties and the days of Wham! Who better to advertise this than the wonderfully effervescent Eşref who really does personify this statement. We are delighted that Eşref is joining us for the whole weekend, including the pre-party. He will be teaching, DJ’ing, doing line ups, dancing, smiling and selfie-ing, and, to use his own words, celebrating love, friendship and affection.

CHOOSE LIFE-CHOOSE THE Newcastle Salsa Congress

CHOOSE from well over 100 workshops

CHOOSE to party all night

CHOOSE from up to 4 party rooms

CHOOSE to start 2025 in the BEST way!

3rd-5th January 2025 (plus pre-party 2nd)

Dance into happiness

John & Hanna 

Laurita and Andre  Our lovely local/London Laurita is teaching bachata styling and reggaeton. 

Also, bringing something a little different, Laurita will be doing a special bachata fusion workshop on Sunday morning, 10.30 am in the Samalie area. 

This workshop will be even more exciting because Laura is bringing with her a special guest, André. Please give Andre a warm Geordie welcome as it is his first time at Newcastle Congress and we want to give a good impression.  

If you’ve left Christmas presents very VERY late then why not give the best gift ever? A Gold Pass to Newcastle Congress!

Or why not treat yourself? Forget the Boxing Day sales, use your money to buy smiles, music, dancing, happiness 

Dance into Happiness

Laurita Anne Williams


Our head DJ Marky Mark is super busy finalising the DJ timetable this weekend.

Get excited-we have fabulous DJ’s in the salsa, bachata and kizomba rooms who will all be providing top tunes for you

And if you see Mark outside the DJ area, grab him for a dance, give him a hug, get him a Coke and he might just play your favourite song for you!

Look out for the DJ timetable is here. DJ Timetables 

Get excited! 

3rd, 4th and 5th January 2025

Pre party 2nd January

Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn, Newcaste

The New Newcastle Congress Page

Dance into happiness.

Artists confirmed !


Alberto Fernandez Vadillo

Alex Sismeiro & Noèmie

Alfie Alleyne 

Andreas "Salsa Rebel"    

Andy Kang



Ari Gama - Kizodance 

Aron Bradley Beven

Basil Pinnock & Heidi Turner 

Donna Taylor

Eşref Parranda Ulaş 

Gill Alleyne

Heather & Gio

Jai & Lillu

Jeydikson Lima

Joanne & Graham

John & Hanna

John Paul

Jolie Sunshine

Karthik Tinku

Katie Harley

Laurita Ann Williams 

Laura Marvel

Leanne Cavanagh 

Lewis & Katrin

Lotty Dall

Mark & Sofia


Rasa Pauzaite 

Richard & Angela 

Richard Vooght

Rohan Brown

Sally Green

Samalie - Sam & Natalie "your hosts" 

Sarah Leigh 

Sasha Phillips 

Sisi Zheng

Sue Spice

Tamba Hissirou 

Uncle Phil Kaila


Xris Pentland



DJ Alberto

DJ John Seddon

DJ Jeydikson

DJ Mark Hobbs

DJ Martinez

DJ Muzu

DJ Puma

DJ Rohan Brown

DJ Sally

Performers - so far


Alex Sismeiro & Clara "Bachata France"

Basil & Heidi

Canni Salsa


Jai & Lillu

Laura Marvel

Lewis & Katrin

Rasa - Performance team

Shasha Phillips

Sisi Zheng Girls



More to be announced!

Shasha Phillips

Laura Marvel

Jai & Lillu

Basil & Heidi

Alex Sismeiro & Clara "Bachata France"

Rasa - Performance team




Lewis & Katrin


Sisi Zheng 

Canni Salsa

More to be announced!



Emma Lou

Strella rush - photographer