Refund infomation

*Please note that if WE have to cancel the event then we will offer a full refund. 

After reading all of that if you STILL require a refund then please do get in touch….but don’t forget...once you’ve started the refund journey there’s no turning back!

We are really sorry if you can no longer make the event. Are you absolutely sure you can’t make it? We do appreciate that sometimes events occur beyond your control and plans have to change.

You have two options open to you if you have purchased a Gold Pass.

You can re-sell your pass*. We offer a change of name policy - at a cost of just £6.00. per person - see below for full details

You can defer your ticket* to the following year at a cost of £12.00 per person

* Name changes/deferral must be applied for no later than 72hrs before the event. Any later or post event requests will not be considered.

If you require a simple name change, please follow the instructions below.

NB: these can be done up to 72 hrs before the start of the event.

1. Email us from your confirmation email address (the one you used to book with) and include your name and the name of the person who has purchased your pass.

2. Within 24 hrs of this, make payment of £6 (bank details below) which covers our admin cost of administering the change. (We recommend the seller pays this only when they have received payment from the third party.)

For your security we can only transact these changes via email.

Payment can be made by bank transfer or paypal - email to ref name change

Bank transfer MR S A Mills - sort code 207070 AC 83796876

Paypal direct to

Apologies if this sounds unnecessarily complicated but sadly there are a lot of scammers about so this system is in place in order to protect all involved. Even though many of you are known to us, we need one system in place so that nobody turns up at the door and is turned away. Many thanks for your understanding